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Disney’s MagicBand is an “all-in-one device that effortlessly connects you to all [your] vacation choices”. When wearing the MagicBand, guests can charge their rooms for almost item or experience in the park. By integrating the MagicBand throughout its experience, Disney has done away with the “pain of payment” for visitors.

After spending a billion dollars to develop the MagicBand, Disney created one of the best examples of the Cashless Effect in action. Meg Crofton, president of the Walt Disney World Resort at the time, started the project with the aim of eliminating all the friction for guests. As Crofton told Wired magazine:

“We were looking for pain points. What are the barriers to getting into the experience faster?”

Not only do MagicBands reduce the pain of payment for customers, but they also reduce all friction points in the park. This makes room for a better overall customer experience. MagicBands allow employees to “move past transactions into an interactive space, where they can personalize the experience” as Crofton put it.

To learn more about this principle, check out the Choice Hacking article here

Disney Magic Bands Cashless Effect

More examples of the Cashless Effect

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